pp108 : Types of Queries

Types of Queries

This topic describes the types of queries that can be generated using Process Platform.

Process Platform supports creating two types of queries for generating custom Web service operations:

  • Nested Queries are built based on a primary table and its relations. The method generated will have an outer query and a collection of zero or more inner queries. The parameters used in the inner query should be from the outer query. Nested queries are also called Associated Queries.
  • Composite Queries are built based on multiple tables and their fields. This will be an aggregate of several tables put together, and hence is called Aggregated Query. There is no hierarchy or nesting involved and all the tables are at the same level.
    Note: The format of the response recieved for a Composite Query varies with the database servers and connectors used. For example, the response received from SQL server when used with the OLEDB connector contains all the objects mentioned in the query in a nested format, whereas the response received from the Oracle or SQL servers when used with the JDBC connector contains all the fields under the top-level base object.